Veryeri Alaca, I., Materiality in Picturebooks, The Routledge Companion to Picturebooks, edited by Bettina Kümmerling –Meibauer, (2017)
Veryeri Alaca, I., Küntay, A., Early Education in Literacy in Türkiye in Comparison to the Balkan Countries, The Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education edited by Natalie Kucirkova, Catherine Snow, Vibeke Grover, Catherine McBridge (2017)
Obaid, M., Veryeri Alaca, I. Wozniak, P. W., Lischke, L., Billinghurst, M. (2016) The Future of Books and Reading in Human-Computer Interaction, Workshop, NordCHI, ACM, Gothenborg. Oct. 23-24, 2016. DOI:
Veryeri Alaca, I., (2016) “The Flexographic Artists’ Books”, Leonardo, MIT Press, 49:3, pp.270-271. (doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_01241)
Baykal, G. E., Veryeri Alaca, I. , Yantaç, A. E., Göksun, T. (2016) Developing Transmedia Puzzle Play to Facilitate Spatial Skills of Preschoolers, Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, ACM, 978-1-4503-4313-8/16/06., doi>10.1145/2930674.2936006, pp. 631-636.
Veryeri Alaca, I. and Grobler, P. (2016), ‘Drawing in duos: The Journeys and Intersections Collaboration Project between Istanbul and Worcester’, Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 1: 2, pp. 235–252, doi: 10.1386/drtp.1.2.235_1
Baykal, E.G., Veryeri Alaca, I., Animated Turkish Lullabies: Re-Contextualizing the Intangible Cultural Heritage via New Adaptations, Educational Television Content, Experimental New Media, 22nd Biennial Congress of IRSCL (International Research Society for Children’s Literature), 8-12 August 2015, Worcester, United Kingdom.
(poster) Yüksel-Durukan, A., Küçükcan, B., Veryeri Alaca, I., Reading Strategies and Library Services for Children and Young Adults in Türkiye (0-18 years), 44th Annual International Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship , June 28-July 2, 2015, Maastricht, Netherlands
Veryeri Alaca, I., September 9-12, 2013, “Artistic Commentary and Research on The Carpet, The Hybrid Aesthetic Object, the Playground, Cultural Heritage and Emotional Design in the Turkish Home” , ECER 2013 Istanbul – The European Conference on Educational Research: Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul
C.K.Wilde, Shon Schooler, Ilgim Veryeri, David Heagle and Mark Wagner, Edition: 9, Year: 1997- 2003, “Water Under the Bridge”, Artichoke Yink Press, New York, USA